Biographies of Gadsden Men from Memoirs of Florida

These biographies of Gadsden County men have been transcribed from the Memoirs of Florida. Surnames of biographical sketches include Broome, Davidson, Dismukes, Hinsey, Martin, Mitchell, Philips, Stockton, Thompson, Wilson, and Wyatt.

Volume 1 of Memoirs of Florida: The biographical sketches begin on page 415 and pertain mainly to West middle and East Florida. Volume 2 of Memoirs of Florida: The biographical sketches begin on page 403 and pertain mainly to the peninsular region, south of the Santa Fe River and St. John’s county. Notes: Each volume contains it’s own index, however, the index is incomplete.

James Emilius Broome

James Emilius Broome, state senator from Gadsden county, was born in Tallahassee, Fla., March 26, 1846, son of James E. Broome, one of the early governors of the state. James E. Broome, of a prominent South Carolina family, was educated by private tutors at his home, and came to Florida in 1837, settling in Tallahassee. He was a firm Democrat, and though differing with Governor Call in political opinions, was appointed judge of the probate court of Leon county. The Whigs became dissatisfied and through their influence the office was made elective by the people, but at the election the majority Broome received was greater than the votes of his opponents, and he held office until 1852. In that year, when the democrats held a State convention, James T. Archer, a prominent lawyer, John G. McGehee and Judge Broome were the candidates for nomination for governor, and Judge Broome was chosen. The Whigs were in favor and Thomas Brown, a Whig, was governor of the State, but although the power of the opposing party was exceedingly strong in favor of George T. Ward, Judge Broome was elected. This was a great victory for the Democrats, and since that time the State has been Democratic. The wife of Governor Broome, mother of Senator Broome, was Martha Macon (nee Hawkins), of North Carolina, and a member of the celebrated family, and grandniece of Nat Macon. Senator Broome was reared in Tallahassee and lived in that city until thirteen years of age, when he removed to Fernandina. He attended the Yorkville college, of Yorkville, S.C., leaving college in the spring of 1862 to join Captain Hopkins’s company of the Second Florida infantry, Confederate States army, as a private. He served until the surrender; was captured once, but was soon paroled. After the war he returned to his father’s plantation in Marion county, and in December, 1865, went to New York city, and took a position as Southern salesman for a noted commercial house of that city, for which he has been traveling since. He has always been an ardent Democrat, spoke in the campaign for Tilden in 1876, and has attended as a delegate every state convention since1880 with one exception. In 1890 he was elected State senator from Gadsden county, was re-elected in 1894 and again in 1898, thus serving twelve years, the longest period any man has served in the State senate from that county. In the session of 1897, as chairman of the committee on legislative expenses he refused to approve vouchers for committee clerks on the grounds that the charges were exorbitant and upon his refusal to sign the comptroller general refused payment. A resolution was introduced to pay the check by signature of the president of the senate and sergeant-at-arms, and the bills were thus paid, but Senator Broome felt justified in his actions to prevent what he thought a waste of the people’s money. He introduced the bill against usury in Florida and with Mr. Burford in the House and Mr. Broome in the senate the bill was passed. He was the leader of the minority in the senate against granting divorce for insanity during the session of 1909, and was a strong advocate of the Dispensary bill. He was also the leader in behalf of the bill to make railroads reduce their fare from five to three cents a mile, but was defeated. Senator Broome was married at Quincy, Fla., June 4, 1878, to Martha M. Stockton, of Quincy, the youngest daughter of the late P.A. Stockton. She died Feb. 19, 1899, leaving two sons, Stockton, a traveling salesman, and Arthur Macon, in the same business. The senator has made Quincy his home since 1878, and there is no better known man in the State. His name has been prominently mentioned by the Florida press for the Democratic nomination for governor, as a recognition of his years of able public service and efforts for the welfare of the State. (Vol. 1, Page 741)

Col. Robert H. M. Davidson

Colonel Robert H. M. Davidson, of Quincy, an eminent lawyer and public man, was born in Gadsden county, Fla., in 1832, and after receiving a literary education at his home attended law lectures at the university of Virginia. Completing these professional studies in 1853 he returned to Florida and begun the practice of law at Quincy, the seat of his native county. With his early professional efforts he combined an active participation in the politics of the period, acting then in opposition to the Democratic party, and he was elected to the lower house of the legislature from Gadsden county in 1856 and 1858, and to the senate in 1860. He resigned the latter office in the winter of 1860-61, and raised a company of infantry, which was mustered in, March 1862, as Company A of the Sixth regiment, Col. J. J. Finley commanding. As captain he served in east Tennessee, marched into Kentucky with Kirby Smith, and took part in the battle of Chickamauga. Captain Davidson was then promoted to major of the regiment, and in this capacity he took part in the Georgia campaign of 1864. In the battle at Dallas, Ga., May 28, 1864, he was severely wounded in the foot, and disabled for duty in the field. Four weeks later he received promotion to lieutenant-colonel, but he was unable afterward to perform the duties of that rank. Returning to his home, he saw no more of a soldier’s life, except during the Federal raids in Florida in the spring of 1865, when he was for a time in command of the post at Quincy. Since the war he has made his home at Quincy, practicing his profession and making a leading part in the politics of his district and State. He was a delegate to the State constitutional convention of 1865, and in 1872 was an elector on the Greeley ticket. Being elected to Congress from the First Florida district in 1876, he was six times successively re-elected, serving fourteen years with notable ability and fidelity to the interests of his State. In the fall of 1891 he was appointed to the United States senate by Governor Fleming, who held that there had been no legal election by the legislature, but Senator Call was seated. He has also served one term as railroad commissioner of Florida, by appointment in 1897, being chairman of the commission. (Vol. 1., Page 504)

William M. Davidson

William M. Davidson, of Jacksonville, one of the prominent railroad men and honored citizens of the State, was born at Quincy, Fla., August 16, 1841; son of Dr. John M. W. and Mary J. (Sylvester) Davidson. His father was a native of Mecklenburg county, N.C., descended from two of the signers of the famous Mecklenburg declaration of independence of May, 1775, and came to Florida shortly after his marriage, here practicing his profession for more than half a century. Dr. John M. W. Davidson was born in 1801, was a pioneer physician and scholarly gentleman and one of the prominent figures of the State until his death in 1879. Captain Davidson’s mother was born in South Carolina, the daughter of Joseph Sylvester and a member of one of the most prominent families of the state. Young Davidson was raised and educated in the aristocratic little city of Quincy. Beginning in youth as a drug clerk, he continued in this position until the outbreak of the civil war. Then putting aside the mortar and pestle for the sword, he went out as first lieutenant of the Young Guard, of Quincy, to Chattahoochee, before the war had actually begun, and assisted in the capture of the United States arsenal. During the early part of April, 1861, he was mustered into the Confederate service at Chattahoochee, as first lieutenant of the Young Guard, which became Company G, First regiment Florida volunteer infantry. On the night following his mustering in he was appointed adjutant of his regiment, but after serving as such for several months he resigned to return to his company, which he commanded for some time in the absence of his captain. In the early part of 1862 he was appointed by Gen. J. Patton Anderson, who had recently been promoted from the colonelcy of the First Florida regiment to the command of a brigade, as aide-de-camp on his staff, with the rank of first lieutenant. Captain Davidson remained with him the rest of the war, while Anderson was a brigadier general and later when he was major general, serving first in Anderson’s regiment, then in Anderson’s brigade and lastly in Anderson’s division, of the western army. Captain Davidson rendered distinguished services at the battles of Shiloh, Perryville, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and during the famous Atlanta campaign, passing through the storms of shot and shell unscathed and avoiding capture at the hands of the enemy. According to the act of the Confederate congress the senior aide of a major-general was entitled to the commission of major, but owing to the chaotic condition of affairs toward the close of the war this commission was never given to Captain Davidson. Hostilities ceasing, he returned to his native city, engaging in the drug business on his own account and prospered for some years. In 1869, he entered the railway service as local agent at Baldwin, Fla., for the Pensacola & Georgia railroad, now a part of the Seaboard Air Line system, and from the first displayed a marked aptitude for this line of industry. Becoming a traveling agent for this road, he was soon appointed agent at Jacksonville; next was general freight and passenger agent of the Florida Central; then the position of superintendent was added to these offices, he filling with great ability all three places concurrently. When the Florida Central & Western railroad was organized in 1882, Captain Davidson was made general manager of that system; resigned that place to become general traffic agent of the Plant system in 1884, and later was general passenger agent of the same road and most skillfully managed the interest of this company until his resignation in June, 1895. He then assumed control of the Jacksonville Terminal company as superintendent, having accepted this position prior to his withdrawal from the Plant system, and from that time the properties of this company have received the benefit of his efforts. Captain Davidson has served as an alderman and a member of the board of public works of Jacksonville and is an elder in the First Presbyterian church of that city. On November 10, 1873, he was married to Clara A Boulter, of Jacksonville, and they have two daughters, Clara Etta and Agnes. Captain Davidson is a successful railroad man, an exemplary citizen and a true Southern gentleman of the old school. (Vol. 1., Page 505)

John T. Dismukes

John T. Dismukes, of St. Augustine, a leader in financial and business life, was born in Davidson county, near Nashville, Tennessee, in May, 1847, and was reared, from seven years of age, in Gadsden county, Fla. In March, 1864, being nearly seventeen years of age, he enlisted at Camp Finegan, Fla., in Capt. Patrick Houstoun’s company of artillery, with which he served in the Florida campaigns until paroled at Tallahassee in May, 1865. After the close of the war, Mr. Dismukes went to Dardanelle, Ark., and remained ten years, acting as agent of the Adams Steamboat line. Returning to Florida he made his home at Quincy until December, 1885, when he removed to St. Augustine and engaged in banking. His institution became a national bank in 1886, and he is now at its head as president. In 1898 Mr. Dismukes represented Florida in the convention of American Bankers of Denver, Col., and at the convention in Richmond, Va., in 1900 was elected a member of the executive council of the American Bankers’ association. He is president of the States association of bankers. (Vol. 1., Page 511)

George W. Hinsey

George W. Hinsey of Apalachicola, was born in Quincy Fla., February 17, 1860, son of George T. and Mary A. (Faust) Hinsey. His father was a native of South Carolina; when a young man he came to Florida, then a wilderness, and after a long and useful life died at Apalachicola. Young Hinsey did not receive much schooling owing to the disturbed condition of affairs subsequent to the civil war, and was engaged with his father in carpenter work until he was badly hurt in a sawmill and permanently crippled by the loss of one hand and a leg. Not being able to do physical labor, he out of necessity turned to other lines and has since been prominently identified with public affairs. He was a doorkeeper for the legislature during the sessions of 1885 and 1887, giving general satisfaction in that position. In 1887 he was elected city clerk and treasurer of Apalachicola and has been regularly elected his own successor, and being chosen state and county tax collector in 1888 he has held these offices ever since, though meeting with strong opposition at general elections. Mr. Hinsey is a Knight of Honor, is grand representative to the grand lodge of Florida of the Knights of Pythias, and is also local secretary of the Fraternal Union of America. In matters religious he accepts the Methodist faith and is a consistent member of that church. On January 11, 1894, he was married at Eufaula, Ala., to Miss Fannie O. Cargill, a most estimable woman, and they have one daughter, Lillian O. Mr. Hinsey is one of the popular men of Franklin county and enjoys the esteem and good will of the entire community. (Vol. 1., Page 574)

Ira W. Martin, M.D.

Ira W. Martin, M.D., of Quincy, a prominent physician, son of Jabez and Martha Ann (Shores) Martin, was born in Decatur county, Ga., October 27, 1866. The Martin family has been in Decatur count, Ga., for more than a century and its members have long been prominently identified with the history of that region. Jabez Martin, the immediate ancestor of the subject sketch, was one of the largest planters and slave holders in that vicinity. Dr. Martin received his early education in the schools of southwest Georgia and in the academy at Attapulgus, of that state. He was graduated professionally in the Atlanta Medical college, in 1893, and has taken several post-graduate courses at Bellevue hospital, New York city, thoroughly equipping himself for the complex duties of his chosen profession. Beginning to practice in Concord, Gadsden county, he was engaged at that point until 1897, when he removed to Quincy. He is an active member of the Florida State Medical association and of the American Medical association and is local examiner for nearly all great life insurance companies. He is a Mason of Royal Arch degree and a consistent member of the Presbyterian church. In December, 1893, he was married to a daughter of Elijah Sheppard, of Gadsden county, a pioneer settler in 1826. They have two children, Esther and Ira. Dr. Martin is a very successful practitioner of medicine, having built up a splendid business at Quincy in remarkably short time, and has the confidence and good will of the community. (Vol. 1., Page 618)

Thomas Mitchell

Thomas Mitchell, of Quincy, one of the leading officials of Gadsden county, was born in what was then a part of Decatur county, Ga., but is now in Gadsden county, Fla., October 19, 1849. He is a son of William G. and Emily (Kyle) Mitchell. His father was a native of Sparta, Ga., a lawyer and planter of the old regime, who moved to Thomas county, then to Decatur, where he continued to reside up to the time of his death. The elder Mitchell was a participant in the Seminole wars and a most prominent and influential man. Thomas Mitchell was educated in the schools of Gadsden county and when a mere youth joined the Florida reserves for duty in the Confederate army, serving for about a year in Florida and assisting in the repulse of the Union forces at Natural Bridge. He passed through the war unhurt, and was paroled at Camp Miller in East Florida. After the cessation of hostilities, Mr. Mitchell prospered on his farm for several years, being accounted one of the most successful planters in his county. In 1880 he was elected sheriff of Gadsden county, and he served in that capacity for twelve years, making one of the best officers ever known in that section and discharging the trying duties of a sometimes unpleasant office without fear of favor. Declining re-election, he was one year deputy clerk of the circuit court, and was elected clerk of the circuit court in February, 1894. He has been thrice re-elected to this responsible and exacting office, starting in January, 1901, on a new term of four years. Mr. Mitchell is a master Mason and Knight of Pythias. A devout Methodist, he is a steward and a trustee of the church property. On January 23, 1868, he was married to Frances C. Scott of Gadsden county, and they have three children: Thomas W., of Memphis, Tenn.; Robert F., of Quincy, and Eva Claire, wife of L. W. Goddard of Griffin, Ga. Mr. Mitchell is one of the strongest men of Gadsden county, and one of nature’s noblemen. (Vol. 1., Page 632)

Francis Philips, M. D.

Francis Philips, M. D., of Quincy, a prominent physician and surgeon, was born in Marianna, Fla., September 21, 1868, son of Col. Frank Philips and his wife, Margaret Nicholls. His father, a native of Marianna, born in 1842, was a cadet in the famous Georgia military academy at Marietta, when the war of 1861-65 began, and enlisting in the Confederate service, made an honorable record as a lieutenant in the army of Tennessee during the civil war. Afterward he was clerk of the circuit court of Jackson county for many years. Dr. Philips received excellent educational advantages, taking his primary courses in his native town; attending Emory college, at Oxford, Ga., in 1885-86, and the Alabama Polytechnic institute, at Auburn, Ala., for two years. He next attended lectures at the medical department of the University of Virginia, and later matriculated at Tulane University, at New Orleans, and was graduated in that famous school of medicine in 1891, well equipped for the arduous duties of his profession. Since then, believing in the theory that a physician cannot afford to abandon study, he has taken post-graduate courses at Tulane University during the years of 1893, 1899, and 1900. Beginning the practice at Marianna in 1891, he removed in 1893 to Quincy, where he enjoys the best practice in that vicinity. In addition to his general work he is the local surgeon for the Seaboard Air Line railroad. As a member of the Florida medical association he has been an active and valuable contributor to the general welfare of his profession. He is a member of the Methodist church, and of the orders of the Knights of Pythias, Woodmen of the World, and Fraternal Union of America. On October 4, 1898, he was married to Eva Daughtry, of Opelika, Ala., and they have one daughter, Frances Evelyn. (Vol. 1., Page 649)

John N. C. Stockton

John N. C. Stockton, of Jacksonville, one of Florida’s most distinguished citizens, was born at Quincy, Fla., November 17, 1857, son of Col. William T. Stockton, whose family came from Princeton, N.J. Colonel Stockton settled in Florida in 1840 and served in the Confederate State army with great distinction. The subject of this sketch was reared at Quincy, lived there until he was twelve years of age, when he removed to Jacksonville and has since made that city his home. He was educated in the schools of Florida and was well equipped for the strenuous life that was to follow. When fourteen years of age Mr. Stockton became a clerk at two dollars per week, and in 1873 he entered the employment of William Root, wholesale grocer, at the rate of three dollars per week; remained for five years and was receiving a thousand dollars a year when he withdrew from that line of industry. In 1878 Mr. Stockton entered the banking house of D. G. Ambler as bookkeeper and at the end of five years he was admitted to a partnership, the firm becoming Ambler, Marvin & Stockton. In 1885 he organized the National Bank of the State of Florida and was made cashier. In 1888 he was made vice-president, and in 1894 was elected president of this noted institution and has continued to fill that important office from that time. Mr. Stockton organized the First National bank of Tampa in 1887, became president and served as such until he resigned in 1891, having disposed of his stock. In 1894 he was one of the principal organizers of the Exchange National bank of Tampa, was elected vice-president, but later resigned. Since 1898 he has largely engaged in lumber and phosphate and is a member of the firm of J.E. Bryan & Co., foreign and domestic dealers. Mr. Stockton is president of Levy Country Phosphate Co., one of the largest and most prosperous concerns in the State. During the yellow fever epidemic of 1888 he rendered great service to the sufferers and to the city of Jacksonville in general, and large numbers of people will ever bear him in grateful remembrance. During the great financial panic of 1893 his superior qualifications as a financier enabled his banks to safely pass through the crisis of financial depression. There is no man in the state who has been more prominently before the public than Mr. Stockton and he has been honored on many occasions with positions of public trust and direction. He was a member of the board of public works in 1888; member of the board of county commissioners in 1889 and 1890. In 1893 he was elected chairman of the board of public works and was and was serving in that capacity when the people voted the million-dollar issue of bonds which was negotiated for public improvement. As chairman he directed the establishment of the electric light system, the paving of the streets, the erection of the city building and market and other public utilities that were contemplated in the issue of these bonds. After the great fire of May 3, 1901, he was again unanimously elected by the city council a member of the board of public works and by that body elected chairman. Since then the people have voted $400,000 in bonds, for the purpose of paying off the floating debt of the city, reconstructing the city building and other public improvements. These were positions of vital importance and the results obtained attest the efficiency of his masterly direction and supervision. Mr. Stockton is also an enthusiastic member of the city board of trade and served as its president with marked ability in 1889. After one of the fiercest political campaigns in the history of the state, Mr. Stockton was elected to the legislature in 1896, and upon the assembling of that body he was a candidate for United States senator, coming within two or three votes of election. Rather than have a corporation man elected Mr. Stockton threw the strength to Stephen R. Mallory and easily elected him to office. On Sep 27, 1883 he was married to Miss Frances Baker, daughter of Judge James M. Baker, of Jacksonville, Fla. They have six children – two sons and four daughters. Mr. Stockton has done much for the city of Jacksonville and the state of Florida, the result of this public work being of great and lasting character, and it seems certain that the most useful portion of his life is yet before him. (Vol. 1., Page 689)

Col. William Tennent Stockton

Colonel William Tennent Stockton, born at Roxborough, near Philadelphia, October 8, 1812; died at Quincy, Fla., March 4, 1869, was a good representative of the soldiery of Florida. His handsome face and form, lofty bearing and unconquerable spirit are well remembered by the survivors of the Florida brigade of the army of Tennessee. He was graduated at the United States military academy in 1834, and for two years was on duty in the old army, with promotion to second lieutenant of artillery, revealing his merit as a soldier in the warfare with the Indians in Georgia and Florida. Resigning his commission May 31, 1836, he engaged in planting in Florida. While thus peacefully occupied, however, he was again and again without solicitation from him called by election of his fellow citizens and by appointment of the governor to fill important positions in the State troops, the duties of all which he discharged with honor to himself and benefit to the State. In 1849he was member of the board of visitors to the academy at West Point. When was begun in 1861, he promptly offered his services, and was commissioned captain in the regular army of the Confederate State. At the organization of the First Florida cavalry, in the summer of 1861, he was elected major, and in the spring of 1862 he was advanced to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. Before going to the front he was detailed by the government to muster in all the troops in Florida, and after fulfilling this duty he joined his command in Tennessee, and was stationed for some time at Knoxville. The regiment served as infantry in the army of Tennessee, and was distinguished in the battle of Chickamauga, in which Lieutenant-Colonel Stockton was wounded. Subsequently he served in the investment of Chattanooga, until the fateful battle of Missionary Ridge, November 25th, in which Col. Troup Maxwell and Lieutenant-Colonel Stockton, and many of the Florida brigade were captured while fighting in the trenches. This terminated his active military career, as he was sent to the officers’ prison on Johnson’s Island, Lake Erie, and held as prisoner of war until August, 1865. (Vol. 1., Page 690)

Paul S. Thompson

Paul S. Thompson, of Quincy, judge of the county court of Gadsden county, was born in Suwannee county, Fla., August 5, 1861. His father, Dr. J. H. Thompson, was a native of Orangeburg district, S.C., and grandson of Col. William Thompson, a Carolinian Officer of the war of the Revolution, famous for his defense of Sullivan’s Island. Dr. Thompson married Jane Hart, also of Carolinian birth, and before the civil war came to Florida, making his home on Ft. George island, near the mouth of the St. Johns river. During the war he served with distinction as a surgeon in the Confederate State service, and was in charge towards the close of the struggle of the army hospital at Quincy. There he remained after peace was restored, and practiced his profession with much honor and success. After 1870 he resided temporarily in south Florida, and later in Suwannee county, but now makes his home in Gadsden at the age of seventy-five years. Judge Thompson received his early education at home and started out for himself as clerk in a store in Gadsden county when quite young. He is today one of the most popular men in Gadsden county and is considered invincible in political affairs, having received the unqualified support of his fellow citizens on many occasions. In 1892, he was elected probate judge and judge of the county judge’s court for a term of four years and has twice been re-elected to that important office without opposition. He is tax assessor of Quincy and has been for several years. Prior to this he served as deputy sheriff and later as deputy clerk of the circuit court, thus having been identified with nearly every important office in the county. In addition, Judge Thompson conducts a successful fire insurance business, being one of the leading underwriters of that section. He is a member of the Masonic order and the Methodist church. In July, 1898, he was happily married to Miss Nicholson, of Quincy. (Vol. 1., Page 700)

Bartow Bloxham Wilson

Bartow Bloxham Wilson, of Tallahassee, clerk of the supreme court, was born in Leon county, July 27, 1861, son of James B. and Martha (Oliver) Wilson. His father was a native of Gadsden county, Fla., the son of parents of English birth who settled in Florida in 1826, a planter of the old regime and an officer in the Confederate States army, who served with honor until his capture at the battle of Gettysburg. He died at Fort Delaware, in 1864, while a prisoner of war. Martha Wilson, wife of the latter, was born in Leon county, a daughter of James Oliver, a native of South Carolina and a pioneer of Florida in te early territorial days. Bartow Wilson received his education in the schools of Leon and Gadsden counties and at the celebrated Eastman business college, at Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Beginning his career as a clerk and bookkeeper in a mercantile establishment, at Tallahassee, he continued at this occupation until 1881, when he began an association of more than twenty years with the supreme court of Florida, receiving the appointment of deputy clerk. He performed the duties of this position until 1889, when he was appointed secretary to the justices of the supreme court – a well merited promotion. In the years 1892-93 and 1895-96 he also served his community with credit as a member of the city council of Tallahassee. On February 18, 1897, he was appointed clerk of the supreme court by the justices. Mr. Wilson is ex-officio librarian of the admirable collection of legal works that constitute the library of the court. His courteous and efficient service for many years has gained hi the high esteem of the bar and the people of Florida. Mr. Wilson was married in early manhood, to Ella T. Walker, at Monticello, Fla., and in later years to Miss Clifford Walker, a sister of his first wife. He has four children: George Raney, Bartow B., Jr., James B., and Ollie L. (Vol. 1., Page 728)

Joseph B. Wyatt

Joseph B. Wyatt, of Manatee, is a native of Gadsden county, Fla., born October 27, 1839. His father, Harris T. Wyatt, came from his native state of Virginia with his wife, Elizabeth Gunn, to Florida in 1833, settled in Gadsden county and died there in 1890, his wife surviving him only a year. Joseph B. Wyatt was reared on his father’s tobacco and cotton plantation, and was just in his early manhood when the civil war broke out. He enlisted in Company F, Second Florida Volunteers, and served in 1861-65 in the army of North Virginia. He entered as a private and came out as a lieutenant; was once wounded and twice captured. At the battle of Fredericksburg he was taken prisoner and confined in the old Capitol Prison in Washington for two months, when he was exchanged. At Gettysburg he was again taken and this time had to undergo an imprisonment on Johnson’s Island for seventeen months. Finally succeeding in getting parole, he returned home just before the close of the war. After the cessation of hostilities Mr. Wyatt engaged in raising cotton and tobacco in Gadsden county. In February, 1876 he removed to Manatee county and engaged in the culture of oranges. He owns an orange grove, most of which he planted himself, near the village of Manatee, where he settled in 1880. In the fall of 1898, he was elected county commissioner and was endorsed by re-election in 1900. Mr. Wyatt is a member of the Masonic order and of the Methodist Episcopal church South. On May 31, 1867, he was married to Miss Fannie Hinson, a native of Gadsden county, and they have three children, Elizabeth Virginia, wife of T. F. Graham, of Tampa, Harris T., and Joseph B., Jr. (Vol. 2, Page 761)

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