Mt. Peace Cemetery, St. Cloud, Osceola County, Florida

Mt. Peace Cemetery is located in the city of St. Cloud, Osceola County, Florida. More than 6,500 individuals have been buried in this 18-acre cemetery, which was once known as “Soldier City” because of the large number of veterans interred there. Click on the Mt. Peace Online Burial Search link to begin.

The database can be searched by last name, first name, year of interment, and veteran status. The data fields in the basic search results list are name, birth year, death date, burial date, and location. Click the name link to access the detailed search results. The data fields are year of birth, date of death, date of burial, age, gender, veteran status, branch of service, era of service, funeral home, and grave location. Click the Previous and Next buttons to navigate through search results. To go back to the search results list from the detailed record, click the List button.

There is a separate section in each record for Genealogical Information. A “Click Here” link is provided for those who wish to submit additional information about the deceased.


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